Purchase policy

Duc Vu Herbal Medicine would like to send to customers the purchasing policy for all customers nationwide when purchasing from us as follows: Online shopping: – When customers buy goods at the website system of duocthaoducvu.com. vn makes online orders – 24/7 service time. We will contact you as soon as we receive your order. […]

Privacy Policy

Cam kết Bảo mật thông tin cá nhân Quý khách hàng Công ty sẽ bảo vệ thông tin của Quý khách hàng trong quá trình chuyển dữ liệu bằng cách mã hóa thông tin Quý khách nhập vào. Chúng tôi cũng cam kết không cố ‎‎ý tiết lộ thông tin Quý khách hàng, không bán […]

Privacy Policy

Commitment to Confidentiality of customers’ personal information • The company will protect your information during data transfer by encrypting the information you enter. • We also commit not to knowingly disclose customer information, not to sell or share customer information of the company for commercial purposes in violation of our commitments with you. products in […]

Return Policy

The following is the return policy that Duc Vu Herbal Medicine applies to all customers who buy products at the retail system of Duc Vu Herbal Medicine as follows: In order to ensure the interests of consumers, improve the quality of after-sales service, Duc Vu Herbal Medicine will support you to change a new product […]

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